Monday, October 10, 2011

Dabbling in Pastels

Spending my extended vacation doing only the things I love. Insomnia has been a regular visitor lately, and I thought it's best to use time wisely than stare at the ceiling until four in the morning. So, like what I've mentioned in my previous entries, I'm working on a series that involves different bird species from the Philippines. This is a Philippine Kingfisher in pastel. To see my version of this in poster paint, click

I really love working with oil pastels. You don't have to be such a worry wart with your strokes and technique. You can just follow your artistic instinct. And before you know it, there's already a masterpiece in front of you. It's best used if you want distinct textures and strokes in your artwork. I used a box of Pentel oil pastels for this piece. They’re surprisingly good.